Pins and Needles Facebook Giveaway

The fan page for our congo needs a little help. We’re a handful of “likes” away from having enough to claim our own url/username. That’s kind of important. In regards to being found on Facebook. So I have decided to offer up a free shirt as a giveaway if you like the fan page. When we reach 50 fans we’ll randomly select one of our fans and they will get to pick, size, color, design etc. Yay, right!? So tell your friends, family, and the lady sitting next to you on the park bench. We know you’re both facebooking on your smart phones while your kids eat sand anyway.

One more time in case you missed it; Pins and Needles Congo on Facebook.

I will not be offended in any way if you also like the Turk and Bean page or choose to follow me on Twitter. In fact doing so will likely increase your odds of winning things in the future; just sayin.

You know you want a shirt like this of your very own!
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