Day 26 – Dinosaur Bento Box Lunch

I hadn’t originally planned for this to fall under the 30 Day Pinterest Challenge, but it just sort of worked out that way. I’ve been wanting to switch to the bento box style lunches for the kids and started doing some searching on lunch boxes. At first I wanted the Planet Box ones because we generally prefer to be plastic free, but I fell in love with the Yumbox and their “leakproof” lid. Once our little lunch boxes arrived I headed to Pinterest® to get some inspiration or at least an idea of where to start.

This was one of the first pins I found and I got excited because I already had the dino cutter and a new carton of eggs. Somewhere in the middle of all my pinteresting and Amazon hunting I had an “a-ha” moment and remembered and remembered all my cake making supplies hidden in a drawer. They haven’t seen gum paste or fondant in years, but they were going to be perfect for my new lunch making adventure.

20140824_102959[1]Just think of all the cute ways to use these! The bonus is they were already in my stash.

Turkey’s lunch in all it’s glory:


Unlike the original I peeled the egg and used icing markers to draw the spots. The flowers are sliced strawberries that we cut with the flower cutter. The sun is a mango slice I cut by hand. I had the dinosaur sprinkles in my stash and put them on some homemade applesauce. Then I made a big to do about making sure he knew to bring all this lunch items home after eating. Nearly trashless lunches can be stressful. He was a champ though and even brought home his empty milk carton (yea, we need to get a drink container I’ll put something besides water in). I like to think he was the envy of all his friends. Though maybe they just felt bad for the kid with all the greens. He ate them up and enjoyed it and just keeps gushing over his lunch. Since I was making it anyway I did an extra for Bean who was equally thrilled to be eating out of a “big boy” lunch box. Now they all have grand ideas for what they are getting next. Somehow I fear a PB&J will never be good enough again.

Products we used:

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