Category Archives: homemade

Homemade Laundry Starch

I have to iron a lot. I never actually iron the clothes we have to wear, but sewing is so much easier with crisp, flat materials. Ignore my lack of ironing in this shirt restyle. Sometimes the lazy just gets … Continue reading

Posted in DIY, homemade, household, how to, How to Tuesday | Tagged , , | 1 Comment

How to Tuesday – Grape Jelly From Juice Concentrate

We needed something nummy to put on our almost wonder bread and we’re out of jelly and jam. Oh the horror! I’m pretty sure I teared up a little when we scraped out the last of the raspberry jam from … Continue reading

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Simply Brown Sugar

Do you ever have a “why didn’t I realize that sooner?!” moment. I have them often, but I learn as I go and I love that my brain is a plethora of what I refer to as useless information. I … Continue reading

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