Confession, this is actually a trick I use regularly, but I found it on Pinterest. Every time I bring home a fresh pineapple I end up with fruit flies. Never fails! We had a pineapple last week and a few days ago I started seeing the stupid things. This morning we busted out our quick trick.
Put a piece of fruit and a bit of apple cider vinegar into a jar. Lucky for my Bean had a banana with a brown spot on the end that he refused to eat. Twist a piece of paper into a cone leaving a small opening at the tip. Tape it to the jar and then watch as the little flying devils flit in, but can’t fly out.
In less than an hour I usually have a jar full. It’s almost fascinating to watch them wander around inside.
They say you can then put the jar in the freezer where they all fall to the bottom and drown, then you can take your jar out and start over to catch the rest of your unsuspecting victims who are oblivious to the carcasses of their brethren.
Happy trapping!