I’m Baptist, we don’t generally participate in Lent. During the weeks leading up to Easter we focus on the scriptures and the sacrifice made for us. But I found a special pull on my heart this year to consider the meaning behind Lent and why we are called to fast as Jesus did. I know people give up chocolate, or red meat, or internet or any number of things that they can live without for 40 days then they pick up where they left off and I think the message behind it is lost. If I’m making a sacrifice for 40 days I want it to be something that will stick with me and impact my life.
This year I aim to remove the negativity in my life. I find more and more I’m surrounded by situations and conversations that are just draining and then I look at my life and I forget to take in the blessings and all too often get weighed down by focusing on the things that don’t make me happy. Which let’s be honest is a fairly crummy way to go through life when you have great friends, wonderful family, a growing business and things to look forward to.
So my challenge is to spend the next 40 days removing my negativity and I challenge you to play along whether you’re religious or not. I pulled out my journal and will be noting each day things that I am grateful for and that make me happy and appreciative. This isn’t saying I’ll never feel down or frustrated, but when I do I can pull out my book look at the good the things and be inspired to jot down a few new things.
Here’s to happy thinking!