It’s a Little Ood…

You may recall from previous posts, like our bleach stenciling tut, that we are Doctor Who fans. Midkid has been begging for his very own Ood for quite a long time. Oods are a kind natured species that carries their brains in their hands. It prompts non-violence and makes them incredibly trusting. I seem to have the same problems.

As I’ve begun to limit my customs and do more ready to go items, it’s freed up a little time to do more projects for myself and my kids which was pretty high on my list for this year. I’ve been enjoying crocheting more these days. It’s one of the first crafts I learned in my teens, but had dropped it as my other interests increased, but I love that it’s a pretty quick craft, leads to instant gratification, and is portable. I save my crochet projects for speech therapy days.


Thanks to Ravelry I found a perfect little Amigurumi pattern to use. I worked him up in Red Heart Super Saver acrylic, not my favorite yarn by any means. Actually, I loathe it, but we had the colors we needed and another goal for me this year was using more on hand materials. It called for an H hook, but I didn’t have one on hand and used my G. The stitches weren’t as tight, but he turned out ok. I’ll admit I was pretty confused when joining the two legs to start the body piece. It says to stitch around 15st on each leg, but you ended them with 18, so I totally stitched 3 from each leg together to form the crotch then did my 30 total stitches around the legs to start the body. Whatever works!

Midkid is thrilled. He kinda sat and hounded until his new friend was finished. I had kind thought of saving him for the Easter basket, but watching him love him now has been worth it. I’m winning all sorts of mom points this weekend. Bean needed new shoes and while I generally stick to Pedipeds or similar we happened to have a Wal-mart gift card. Thank you awesome grandparents! So I let him pick out a pair to his own liking. It was kind of a big deal since his “new” shoes have always pretty much been hand me downs. He dances around singing about his batman shoes, stomped through the zoo yesterday setting off the lights and has insisted on wearing them since he tried them on.



*Disclaimer – I made the Ood for personal use for my kidlet. I do not recommend using this pattern for profit. BBC owns the rights to Doctor Who and it’s characters and items made for profit based on their characters requires permission.

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One Response to It’s a Little Ood…

  1. Pingback: Crochet Dolly Shoes | Cornfed Crunchy

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