We went for a 20 mile bike ride this morning. Well I rode and Bean pointed out the scenery. At least the happy making endorphins somewhat make up for my fridge/freezer failing to stay cold today and the fact that my foot is swollen from too many mosquito bites. The little suckers have been crazy lately. This week is starting out full of win, but at least I have a new link up to post. Even if it is a few hours late.
1- 8 bit Sushi Magnet from Little House of Crafting
2- Cosmetic Bag from Bally and Lis
3- Nautical Key Chain from From the Bobbin Up
4- Neon Bobby Pin Set from Buttons ‘n Paintbrushes
What should you link? Handmade products or designs you have created. No mass produced items, this is for the handcrafting community.
What not to link: blog posts, Facebook or other media links, promotions, how-tos, etc. This is a way to connect individual crafters and potential shoppers by networking together.
Link up to two [2] handmade listings from your shop using the widget below.
Please no licensed or trademarked character items.
Share at least two [2] items that others have linked here via social media, and use #madeofheart when posting!
*Do not Pin items to Pinterest without getting permission from the creator*
While not required; spread the word and tell other crafters about this link up! The more the merrier and the more exposure we all get.
Leave a comment about your favorite items, where you shared, or other encouraging words about supporting handmade.
Select “add your link” – in the first box paste the URL to your specific product listing, not your home page. In the next box, put a brief title describing your item. In the last box add your email address. Click Submit and then choose a thumbnail for the picture.

2 Responses to Made of Heart Weekly Link Up – September 22nd